How would you define yourself?
What words come to your mind first?
A few that swim into my head are kind, awkward, confused, young, southern
The American culture is obsessed with definitions. We have to define every aspect of our lives. The media tries to persuade us to make our definitions from products, alcohol, employment, clothing, body type, weight loss. Think about it one of the first questions you ever ask someone is what they do for a living. Our first impression and definition of a person comes from what they have chosen to do for a living. Or for college students its the inevitable, unavoidable question of "what is your major" aka what are you planning on doing with your life. Yet, we never dig into the deep questions like what was the specific moment that led you to want to do blank, how did you make it here, or is it their life passion. We just put them into labels just as we are putting ourselves into labels.
I've been noticing the objects I allow to define myself recently. Sadly, they aren't places in which I should be looking or taking definitions. I've let grade define me, I've let family define me, I've let society define me, and I need to be letting God define me.
I'm sure every perfectionist college student has battled with letting grades define their hard work, worth, and diligence. I know I have. Not having a 4.0 means I'm not as intelligent or hard working as I should be. Leading me to believe that a B means I'm a failure and never going to go anywhere in life. I get so wrapped on my definition from that letter grade that I'm not retaining anything from the class. Instead I'm doing whatever I can do to get an A which many times means not learning anything that actually adds to my knowledge. It's so silly and I know it. I can't tell you how many times I have to remind myself that receiving a "B" isn't the end of the world. Yet, even though I know that those are just letters and they don't define me I'll still be reminding myself next week.
I had never really considered the definition I was receiving from my family till some recent events in my family. I can still remember the thought like being able to recall your favorite song from the first beat. I was reflecting on this event and I thought to myself, I seriously said these words "Wow, I had always thought I was better and above this kind of lifestyle but I guess I'm worse off then I thought". First off can we just dissect how selfish and sinful that statement is. The fact that I would have the audacity to be above a certain type of lifestyle. I am just as horrible as the worst person you could ever imagine. I pray to our precious Savior that he will work in my heart to create one that reflects His. Second why is one of my family members decisions reflecting my character and my definition? Why must we define someone based on their surroundings. Yes they shape how they have become who they are today but they by no means define them. So don't by into the devils lies. You are a beautiful creature made in the image of God for his purpose! AND HE WILL WORK IN YOUR BEST INTEREST IF YOU LOVE HIM. Friends may we all learn that his wounds have destroyed definitions. We all come to the cross naked. We leave our definitions and our sins on that cross and walk away with a new definition. A new identity. We are free to be the redeemed.
I will not be defined by being a teacher. It will explain the passions of my personality and interests. BUT, there is more to the person beyond. There is more to the homeless person, the construction worker, the stay at home mom, the CEO. They are beautiful jewels created by our heavenly Father and they all tell a story about Grace.
This is why you are NOT defined by the mistakes you have made. It took me two years to finally understand that quote. But it feels so GOOD! I am NOT DEFINED BY MY MISTAKES I am defined by a man who gave his life so that I might find life.
You are free of the bandages that have held you down.
The Battle is won.
It is finished
leave behind the shackles
and walk into the freedom that is GRACE!