Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Lovin'

This summer has been such a blessing and a learning experience. I have had the blessed opportunity to work for a Summer camp called Maple Grove Farms and to work in retail for New York and Company. I believe that both of these opportunities were provided by the divine intervention of my heavenly Daddy. 
      Recently though I must admit that I had forgotten that He works divinely and intentionally in our lives. I got greedy. I started to think about how much more money my friends and sister were making per hour at their jobs. I started to doubt if I had chosen the right places to devout all my time too. I started to become lazy, feeling as if I was getting paid to little for the quality work that I performed. Then today at work God spoke to my selfish and sinful heart. I was hyped up on a Rootbeer float and literally "floating" on cloud nine excited for my work shift. My co workers were, as they always are, flabbergasted to see someone with such excitement to be at work. I didn't let their strange stares or negativity impact me. Instead I started thanking God for the job and the hours I was being given. It was amazing to see the difference the little prayers had on my attitude. He sustained me even when I hit my sugar crash and all the energy was draining. I was still able to grin from ear to ear. 
      He brought to my mind a quote I once heard from one of my dear friends "Treat work like you are overpaid and underworked no matter if its true". Let me tell this is not easy! In the world we live in today we are told that we are always underpaid and overworked, which may be true. We never stop to think about the blessings and lessons that He is trying to show us throughout our environment. One of my all time favorite quotes/mottos is "wherever you go whatever the weather always bring your own sunshine". So combining these two attitudes I realized that I should always be excited to go into work and that I should always bring my 100% performance. Even when I know other coworkers aren't giving it their all or if there is the possibility to still get paid without doing the work. It shouldn't be about what we can get away with and still get paid. God calls us to do our best whatever it is like we were working for Him instead of man.  
       I am extremely thankful for this lesson and perspective He demonstrated to me tonight! Because lets face it life is too short to be grumpy and displeased every time we go in for a work shift! I feel like this situation also resembles what it means to have a relationship with our Savior. Let me explain. I went to work. Instead of complaining and grumbling I turned to God and gave him my concerns and decided to thank Him. He then gave me the strength and perspective to continue the positive attitude through the rest of the night. My work load didn't change, my energy didn't increase ten fold, I didn't get a pay raise, and I didn't get off any earlier but I was happier and fulfilled. That is what it is to live in His wonderful embrace. Life doesn't get easier, the load doesn't lighten, in face it occasionally gets harder. BUT you have the wonderful friendship of the majestic, extravagant, loving Father who makes life worth it. Who made life. I am so grateful and thankful that he allows a sinful sinner like myself to get to communicate with Him daily! May I continue to grow closer and seek His companionship more! May I also continue to work with a happy and grateful heart! 
