Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Art Of Deception

Deception is something I have never really been able to understand. I cannot, for the life of me, find a reason where deception is necessary. Yet, deceptions seems to be a part of everyday life in our culture. It is everywhere, you see it in all the movies, on tv shows, and in books! At first I thought it was just going to be one of those high school habits that everyone quickly grew out of. I was wrong. It is almost as if high school was training camp. The place you learned different tactics on how to deceive those around you. Personally I dislike being deceitful with an extreme passion. I believe in being honest with everyone and don't think it is right to say one thing to someone's face and then to turn around and say the complete opposite a second later. I also do not think deceit is biblical in anyway. I will always tell someone to their face what I would ever tell any other person. I hate being fake with people honestly if I do not like you I am not going to pretend we are best friends. I will be nice and polite to you but I will not lie and suck up to you just so that you will like me. I am sorry if this is crude and frowned upon by our society but where does it say that I must be best friends with everyone on the planet? Yes I am called to love everyone but I this does not mean I tell acquaintances that I love their boots when I think they are the uglies things i've ever seen. NO!! that is lying and I do not know why our culture has accepted these actions to be okay. Why are there people who are supposedly "best friends" but when one of them isn't there all they do is rag on the other person and say awful things about them? Is it because we are so caught up on everyone wanting to like us? I think this is more of a problem among girls but I don't thing guys are excused. It is just so strange and sad to me that people will do this to one another. I've seen so many friendships ripped apart and people get hurt when they didn't need to be.

I think the root problem is gossip. Our culture thrives on gossip. I, myself included. I love to hear the latest story. Half the time I don't think I even realize that I am gossiping. This is so sad because the bible obviously describes gossiping and the hurtfulness and wrongness of it. I think if as girls we started to guard out tongues better and actually thought about what qualifies as gossip our relationships would be much better. It worries me sometimes though...the thought what would we talk about always come to my mind. which is so sad because I should be able to carry on conversations without having to participate in gossip. I wish I was better at holding my tongue and not spreading gossip or digging for gossip. I really am going to try and be better because it would make things so much better if I did. Just think if we didn't gossip how confidential anything you said to anyone would be. How nice would it be to know that what you said isn't about to spread like wild fire! Ah to be that girl that people know they can trust to talk to. I want to be that girl. Lord, help me to be a confidential girl who holds her tongue and does not hide who she is from other people. May I never intentionally deceive anyone and may my motives always be pure. Let's do it girls. Let's try and stop spreading the fire of gossip and promote confidentiality!

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