Monday, February 28, 2011

Boots + Owls + Puddles = !!OWL RAIN BOOTS!!

It is Monsooning outside!
I had a glorious weekend! I kinda had a cold so i literally just slept all weekend! It was some much needed sleep yet I really wasn't productive and didn't study as much as I should have for my psyc test :(... I feel like I have really been slacking in studying recently...Which is soo bad I need to get my life back in order! I Love the rain but today it is not raining it is flooding! Seriously it is impossible to stay dry! It really makes me want to curl up in my bed and take a nap! Which for the first time in a long while I actually could if I wanted too. But I am making myself be somewhat productive and working out! Spring break is right around the corner. Which I am soo indecisive about...well I'm always indecisive but seriously I can't make up my mind. Recently though I am really leaning to going on the Cross trip. It would be a great service project and also allow me to meet a lot of people and get more involved. I'm realizing that Chi O would be so much better with a best friend in it with me.
                      Which leads me a really controversial subject of college: Drinking.
It is weird to be around something so much that is illegal for the majority of the people doing it. It gets really confusing on what is right and wrong. Well not really it just makes sticking to what is right harder when everyone around  you is drinking. Now I am not a fan of drinking when it is legal either. I just don't like it. Never have. Part of that is how I raised and the rest is from my own experiences with it. Not that I can say I have personally experienced the effects of alcohol but i've seen the effects on those close to me. So for those of you experiencing the same thing or anticipating going to college. It's hard. It's not fun being one of the few that doesn't drink. I'm not going to lie. It gets really weary after a while. You can't ever be in the big circle of "Cool" people just because you won't have that to bond over with them. It makes sense. I'm not going to be besties with people who party 24/7 because I'm not like that. But just realize when you come to college, not drinking will set you apart. Not that I am encouraging you to give up now and just give in to drinking because everyone else is. I just wanted to get off my chest how much of a struggle it really is. It really isn't a struggle of drinking or not for me. Like I could never touch an alcoholic beverage and be fine  for the rest of my life. Its more of a struggle of not being as accepted as easily as many people around me. It is almost like I have to work harder for people to like me just because its almost like an automatic turn away because i guess they feel like you will judge or feel uncomfortable around them. I promise I will never judge someone for their decisions on drinking or not. I'm just here to spread the Love of my Christ and Savior. Not spread condemnation.
                 Such a random speal I know....I haven't been doing the best of spreading the love of my Savior. I feel like recently I've stepped into that mediocrity routine that I get caught up in so many times. I don't like it and I am trying to change it! I joined a bible study and I really enjoy it. We are reading a book called "the me I want to be". It is about becoming the best person God made you to be. It is really good and I encourage you to read it!
               Well, I'm going to go do some yoga with some RUF girls and try and branch out more to the people around me. Say a prayer for me that I continue to become the person God wants me to be. That I stop and listen to His quiet voice. Finally that I continue to force myself to meet more people.


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