Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So Im not sure why but for some reason I expected I'd change a lot when I went to college. Like all the sudden I'd be transformed into this new adult person or I'd go a little crazy. You know become more mature, say smart things, have a slight edginess, something different. But I wouldn't like the same things I did in high school and looking back I'd be glad I did them but be glad I moved on to better things. I know your all probably thinking "abby you've had three days in college, none of them consisting of learning things, you haven't had time to change"! I agree I guess maybe one day I will look back and read this blog and realize how silly I was for saying this but tonight I realized I'm still Abby Espy. Sweet little smiling abby espy that everyone knew from high school.
 I realized as I go through rush that I still have a passion an yearning for things I did in high school. One, leadership. I was for sure that going into college I was going to be satisfied with having my little part but being more of a follower having thought I had my fill of leading from my little bit in high school. The four years were going to be all about me and I wouldn't have to cater to anyone else. I could pretty much do everything in my 24 hour day all about little ole me! I would also be able to justify my lack of major leadership by saying I go to a huge school where it is impossible to find a leadership roll! BOY was I wrong. Just two days of rush stuff and I'm already planning on how I can get involved on campus in a major way. I'm going to apply for SGA. I wanna have a leadership if I hopefully pledge! Im no longer satisfied to just sit here and let all these opportunities pass me by! I'm talking to my RA about being this cool hall monitor thing and working at the desk. It's crazy here I thought I'd come to college fall back into the scene and just live a happy little four years all about me. God is soo good and amazing! He has uniquely given me the desires of my heart to fulfill His will.
Two, I realized I still have the biggest passion for serving. I cant wait to get involved and serve this knoxville community! Im soo excited! Ill most likely go into detail about this more when I can talk about it next week!
All I know that in this short week so far is that God has got surprises hidden in every small corner of life for each and everyone of us and if we aren't careful we are going to let them slip past us with out even noticing. So I pray today that I will not let the little things slip bye.

Surprises that have happened at loverly knoxville:
           1. It randomly monsoons! Without warning the flood gates open and you are drenched as you run             to take cover!
           2. Last night I was taking a late shower. My room mate had already gone to bed so i was already trying to hurry and be quiet. I was gathering all my shampoo, conditioner, loofa and the works when all the sudden a little black buddy runs right past my shoe!! AHHHH! but of course I cant scream bloody murder and call for assistance because everyone is asleep. So here I go in a towel to battle this ugly little cockroach! How he got in our enclosed shower I dont  know nor do I really want to find out. I grabbed the door stopper and tried to kick him out. See I dont like killing beetles because I hate that crunchy sound they make. So just picture it I'm standing there trying to hold a towel on my body for you never know who might walk in the door! but I succeeded and actually killed it! So yea college bathrooms!!

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