So this weekend was crazy!! It was boxing weekend, which is where the frats have at in a boxing tournament. All the proceeds' go to charity who would've guessed, violence=charity :/? Anyways, it's a pretty big deal and people from all over come out. Seriously I feel like half my graduated class came up here. So I really didn't sleep much lol. I also participated in the Library Fun Run with Freshman council this weekend. Although it was at 630 in the morning I had a lot of fun! I got to say "On your mark, Get set, GO" and shoot a gun! Then me and courtney made up a nice little cheer to yell at the runners as they passed by! It went something like "go runners, Go Runners, its your fun run".... I know aren't we such clever little princesses!
So that was the weekend....This week is a really light week for me...I feel like everyone else is dying from their midterms but I fortunately am not all! So hopefully I can catch up on some sleep and prepare for next week! I'm really nervous about the cross trip. I know I shouldn't be and I know that everything is going to work out like it is suppose too...BUT i'm nervous. I am trying to give it over and be at peace with it. I was beginning to really regret my decision cause I wanted to go home and honestly the beach would be soo much more comfortable for me. I realize thats why I am so scared of the cross trip, it's not my comfort zone at all. I am placing myself in an environment where I really don't know that many people at all....and I don't do well with that at all. I love meeting new people, but the initial putting yourself out there is always the hardest part. Alas, I really think this week is going to be good for me. So i'm getting excited. I think me and Amber are going to go to goodwill and get some fun shirts that we can get all dirty!!
I miss the family but I will try and sneak home and see them soon. Now I shall tackle some more homework. Remember that God has created you with a purpose. Don't miss out on the life He has given you. So go out and dance!
I think you are a really brave girl with a gigantic heart!! I know the Lord is going to bless your service, and I will pray for you all week! I miss you, but I am excited to see what God has in store for you!! I love you bunches, and I love reading your blog!