Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Breakin

Spring break was utterly amazing!!
God is so good and He works in the most mysterious ways!
I went on the cross trip trying to expand my horizons and meet more people. Honestly I went for selfish reasons. I wasn't thinking about the people we were going to minister. Instead I was thinking about ministering to myself. Hoping to get my name out there so that later down the road it my benefit me more. I thought really all I was going to get out of the trip was some new friends, maybe, if I was lucky. I walked away with so much more. I needed this trip more than I realized. It was a beautiful time for me to get away and just bask in God's presence. He used that time to open my eyes and heart to things about myself. To how I was doing with friends in college...and how I was doing with him. I realized how much I missed being in a community like the one we formed on the trip. It was so nice to worship every night and then spend the whole day just serving. The church we stayed at had the prettiest prayer chapel. It was in between two lakes and the building had windows all around it. Inside there was chairs all circled around this huge cross with an alter beneath it. It was breath taking to go up there at sunset and just spend hours praying and just reflecting on His beauty. 

During the day we worked on 8 different houses doing various tasks such as painting, roofing, new screen doors, yard work..etc. It was hard work some days but it was fun! I learned how to do some roofing lol. We also had projects out at the boys and girls club and a homeless shelter and the toy shop!. Then at night we would have dinner at a different church every night and then head back to the church for worship and small group time. I got so close to my small group. It is funny how you can get to know such a small group of people so quickly. I'm glad God placed margaret into my life to place the seed of going on this trip in my brain. It really was what I needed and then some. 

This week is utterly ridiculous!! I gots 2 papers, 3 exams, 1 quiz, 1 project, and 1 lab report! Yet, as I sit back and carefully plan my days out it is getting less stressful and easier to deal with. I'm making my way through this week and this time next week I am going to be happy!! Well thats an update from the life of pictures because of this silly new facebook picture thing :/

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