"God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can't trace his hand, trust his heart." This is what I read Monday morning as I was preparing for they day. It made me stop and just mutter the last sentence over and over. God has a plan for my life. Every thing happens for a reason. I feel like those are two statements Christians use all the time but are the first things we forget. I forget them all the time. Not that I forget the sayings, no in fact I find myself repeating them to friends when they are in times of trouble. Yet, I don't find myself repeating them to myself in those little times of trouble. On those days when everything stinks and door seem to be slamming in my face. I don't think hey every thing happens for a reason. Instead I become cynical and begin to think like the world and say those events only happen by coincidence. I don't always remember to stop, wait and look to learn what i am missing. I just blow through the moments with a bad attitude and a "woe is me" mentality. I need to learn to trust His heart. I think more than anything I need to learn his heart. I want to know his heart like it is the back of my hand. I don't want to have to search for his heart, I want to be so familiar with His ways that it pops out from the page! I want everything else to become black and white as his grace and will shoots from life in streaming colors! I lose the big picture a lot!!! I get bogged down in the here and now and worry waaaay to much! God has a plan more is yet to come. I need to stop be still and know that HE is God!
This week is Big sister week in the Chi O suite!! It is soooo amazing! I have way to much stuff! There is candy in the room! ALL over the room! It is not good at all cause it is all that i eat! Seriously this mornings breakfast consisted of chocolate! Oh college diets! I have owls everywhere! I have 15 new tshirts so far!! I don't know who my big is but I already love her! She has gone above and beyond my expectations! It is AMAZING how much stuff I have! It surprises me everytime I walk in to pick up my new stuff for the day. I keep thinking the amount of stuff will decrease but I think it increases! We have four days of presents! The first was candy, cookies, and baked goods for C. The second day was hand me down day for H. The third day was insomnia for I. Finally the fourth day is outburst for O. What does that spell? CHI O!!! hahah its been a lot of fun! My big is amazing... To amazing! I really don't know what to do with everything it is crazy! My room is such a mess because of it too!
I have definitely underestimated the amount of studying college classes would require! I knew college would be hard but I didn't really realize how much studying and notes I would have to take on my own! Like for my Biology class I have to read each chapter before class taking my own notes, then take notes in class, then combine the notes, then go to the Professors private open discussion groups, then to his teachers assistant help groups. IT IS CRAZY! but that is only for biology. I feel like the class is 3 classes it takes soo much time! I just never realized how much teaching myself I would be doing in college. The teachers no longer give you the answers you have to find them out on your own for sure! Which I am not complaining about I just completely underestimated what I would have to do. So now I started off a little rough but that is to be expected and I know I will be doing better as the years go on!
Well it is back to studying and doing homework!
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