Christmas was wonderful! It is most definitely my favorite holiday! Reasons for this are:
1. Christmas lights are everywhere!!! I love them.
2. It's sometimes chilly so you get to bundle up, drink hot chocolate, and visit around the warm house!
3. Christmas eve is amazing!
4. Christmas Carols.
5. At least 2 weeks off to spend the whole time with your family!!
Oh yes! I do love Christmas! Probably because I have the bestest family to spend it with though! I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and new years!

I have been reading and watching the best stuff!!!! I love break lol I have time to do nothing and not feel guilty about it! First I watched the Swan Princess the other day with my little brother and little sister! I had forgotten how much I love that movie! It is now my favorite Princess movie. I love it cause there is a defined bold chase. And unlike many of the stories of this century it was the boy doing the chasing! It rekindled my girlish dreams of prince charming! Derek is searching for Odette from the day she goes missing! He doesn't give up even though every once else does. He doesn't stop looking for her and fall for another one of the many girls his mother is constantly pushing at him. Everyone is pretty much against him looking for her and telling him to give up! YET HE DOESN'T STOP! I know I am such a girl but I love it. I think that is something every girl wishes for. In fact, I think everyone wishes for at least one person who will constantly seek after them no matter what happens! I think the story also reflects how much Christ has constantly searched after me! He never gave up. No matter how many people diminished him to me or how many times I tried to hide from him he came after me still the same! It's amazing his love. He is my prince charming. He is the only person who can be my prince charming. Any human is going to fall short but He never will. He sees everything that I am and he still loves me. I don't know why but I always try and diminish his love because I claim it isn't "physical" and I can't touch it. silly me of course it isn't physical cause it never can be! I hope you all realize his abundant love for you.

One of my beloved authors is Francine Rivers! She is amazing! Her books have really changed my life. I don't know what it is but reading her books and seeing how her characters grow in their faith really encourages my own growth. Her Mark of the Lion series really changed the way I viewed prayer. She portrayed the personal aspect of prayer that really stuck with me and I really grew because of it! I just finished reading her new series Marta's Legacy! OH friends it was amazing!! I cannot lie I cried a lot as I always do in her books and I really wanted to quit reading at one point. In the middle of the second book I really wanted to give up on humanity and was soo depressed about how much we get wrong in our relationships. How so many times we think something is one way when in reality it is the opposite. But there was a redemptive ending! Ahh these books really encouraged me to follow my dreams and make goals and also to study my Bible a lot more than I do. It also had many chases! It was really cool to see how the girls in the book weren't obsessed with finding a husband and how God brought the right ones into their lives. I know it is a fiction book but it was just a nice reminder to sit back and let God work. For reals, this girls did nothing and then bam when they weren't expecting it the perfect person came along and actively persistently pursued them! I encourage you If you haven't read these books read them right away!! If you are anything like me you will fall in love and not be the same person you were after you read them!
Well look at the time! I told myself I was going to bed early tonight oops!
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